The Devoted Intellect Crawl Page

Built Mar 27, 2020 - 02:22 AM

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The Devoted Intellect
Posts and Pages:
Cognitive Dissonance: The Visitors Who Never Arrived
The Erie Canal: Linking New York Then & Now
Rubber Cement: The Real Gateway Drug
The Best of Both Worlds: Chinese Indian Food
Vanity is A Woman's Vice
Cheers to Switzerland's Belated Crisis of Conscience
Laughter: Part of the Universal Human Vocabulary
The End is Nigh! Uber Zoonotic Diseases on the Rise...
Are We There Yet?
Goats: The Softest of the Super Furry Creatures
Who Knew That "Orchid" Means "Testicle" in Greek ?!?
Steroids: A Truly Faustian Bargain
The Mystery of Groundhog Day....Solved!!
Ouch! Being a Red Head Hurts
Chameleons Might Not Be Magic, But Their Skin Is!
Enter Sandman....
SCRABBLE: So Unhip It's Hip
Just Be Grateful That We Don't Use Eggshells in Toothpaste Anymore...
Run Taz Run!
Bath Salts: No Longer Your Mother's 'Mr. Bubble'
Think Metal Braces Are Torture? Try "Catgut" Orthodontia Popular with the Ancient Egyptians
Beer: Old As Civilization Itself
Crazy For Eights
With the Mini Skirt, Less is Definitely More....
The Power of Prostaglandins
Pearls and Parasites
Goldfish Are Fakes!
A Phoenix Amongst Trees
Rich Man's Disease
The Heretic (and poorly proportioned) Pharaoh
Solar Performance Art
Hello Dolly!
Pinochet: Proof that Evil People Never Die Young
Hurts So Good
Nothing Comes Between Sri Lankans and their Coconuts
Those Turbans Aren't the Only Thing Cool about the Sikhs
The Pill and Loss of Libido in Women
The Fragile Ego of The Pashtun Male
Survival of the Opportunists
Bullies Are The Worst
Go Ahead and Cry, Clown! No One Wants You Around!
Now You Can Truly "Read" A Person's Eyes....
The Riot of Spring
Pheromones: The Key to Sexual Attraction?
Does Red Clover Ease Symptoms of Menopause and PMS?
Baby Sings the Blues...
White Privilege Even Extends to Squirrels in Texas
Franconomics: Worse than Frankenomics, Greekenomics and Freakenomics Combined
When It Comes to Breasts, Natural is Best…
Hulk Hogan: The Hamlet of Professional Wrestling
The Cain and Abel of “Sister Cities”
Matisse vs. Picasso: The Greatest Frenemies in Art History
What Happens in Vegas, Stays in Vegas
Like Father, Like Daughter
Dubious Phenomenon Alert: The Resurrection of the "Cosby Sweater"
Actually A Good Idea: Acupuncture for Kids
Apparently, Even Hitler Himself didn't like his Toothbrush Moustache
Panic Disorders and the Body/Mind Connection
Spain Sticks it to the Catholic Church
Neurosis: A Couple Miles Short of Crazy
A Long Day's Journey into Night for the Blind
Proust's Favorite Snack
Pelvic Inflammatory Disorder: A Major Cause of Female Infertility
The Master of Suspense and King of Cameos
You're so vain, I bet you think this post is about you....
A Rigged Game of Strip Poker?
The Macrobiotic Diet: Eat Tiny Portions of Foods You Don't Like
Pregnancy Armor
The Best that Ever Was
The Emotional Part of the Brain
The Snowflake Theory of Intelligence
DIY Redecoration, Geniuses Need Not Apply
One Thank You Card that Would Amount to a Criminal Oversight....
The Ever-Expanding Panama Canal
Vitamin A: Nice On The Eyes....
The Founder of "Free Love"
Lady Justice
NEWSFLASH: Vitamin B12 is Like a Condom for your Brain
It Hurts So Good: Hawaii's Masochistic Relationship with SPAM®
"Doonesbury": Outraging Fuddy-Duddies and Hypocrites Since 1972
Down Syndrome and the Abortion Controversy
Burkha Barbie: Even Sillier than it Sounds
The Real Beneficiaries of Affirmative Action
A Calcium Conundrum
The End is Nigh... Or Not...
The Last True Samurai (I am not referring to Tom Cruise)
Auguste Renoir: Unapologetic Fan of Hot Naked Women
Ignorance May Be Bliss, but Knowledge is Power
Animals Were Harmed In the Making of THIS Picture...
The Ring Cycle Out Parodies its Own Parody
The Life of the Party that Wasn't Immanuel Kant
Margaret Thatcher: Coming To A Rave Near You...
Woodstock's Underrated Opener
Robert Morrison's Chinese Bible
The Culture Warriors Take On a New Opponent
James Dean's First Role - "The Pepsi Bounce"
“Jazzonia,” by Langston Hughes
“The Clap” is Whack…
John Brown’s Declaration and Constitution
Monkey See, Monkey Do ?
The Five Pillars: The Forbidden City of Mecca
Rachel Carson’s Other Best Seller: The Sea Around Us
Commodore Perry on the Shores of, Florida?
The Boxers and The Writers
The Great Chicago Ferris Wheel of 1893
The Baghdad Batteries
Turn Left At The Old Screw
Should Pregnant Women Really Avoid Fish?
John Muir and the New State Quarters
Alan Greenspan and Ayn Rand
Wittgenstein's Challenge to Linnaeus' System of Organization
David Hume's (Near) Discovery of Natural Selection
Francisco Goya's "Black Paintings"
A Photograph of Joseph Smith?
Walt Disney and The Nine Old Men
Marlon Brando, Truman Capote, and the Art of the Profile
Where Does The Lombardi Trophy Rank?
Why Hollywood is Out West
Jean-Jacques Rousseau's Tell-All Memoir
J. P. Morgan: Fact & Fiction
Whistler's Symphonies in Color
Neil Young: Railroad Magnate
Two Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest
Long Day's Journey Into Night—Lite
Romanticism Looks Back
Dick Turpin and "The Bloody Code"
Leonard Bernstein's Omnibus Lectures
Abraham Lincoln: Poet
The Family Values of Henry VIII
Gays In Japan: Trapped In The Closet And Not Minding It Too Much (For Now)
H. L. Mencken and American English
Samuel Beckett’s Minimalism
Mono: The Kiss of Death For Teens and Twenty-Somethings
To Know Thyself, Make a List of Thy Choices.... Or Not...
Holden Caulfield: Still Pissing off The PTA After All These Years
Dyspareunia: The Condition That Ruins Sex For 20% of Adult Women
Yawning: One of Life's Small Burning Mysteries
Accutane: Lethal to Acne and Babies Alike
Should Gender Identity Disorder Still Be Included in the DSM?
The Dread Pirate Blackbeard
Newsflash! Barry Goldwater Liked To Play With Dolls! Kachina Dolls That Is....
Is Hypnotism Just Melodramatic Role-Playing?
Obesity and The Thrifty Gene Hypothesis: Nature's Hoarding Run Amuck
Barbie: Prom Queen No More
The World's Favorite Pastime
Hell Hath No Fury Like An Italian Mother Scorned....
The Man Who Killed 15-20 Million People and Drove (At Least) Two of His Family Members to Suicide
Ivar the Boneless: Viking Warrior Gumby or Sufferer of Brittle Bone Disease?
Hadrian's Wall: Not Quite As Cool as the Great Wall of China, but What Is, Really?
If There is One Thing that Can be Said for Richard Wagner, It is that He Seldom Inspires Indifference
Sabbatai Zevi: Giving "Jews For Jesus" A Run For Their Money....
Locusts: John the Baptist's Favorite Food?
Did John Smith Lie About Pocahontas?
Nana Nana Boo Boo! My Castle is Better Than Your Castle!
Mencius: An Eternal Optimist
Queen Elizabeth I: The Second Most Popular Virgin of All Time
Cotton Mather: An Oedipus Complex Worse Than Oedipus' Complex
Thomas Hobbes: Influential Political Theorist, Inspiration for Orange Cartoon Cat
Marco Polo Pasta Myth Not "Al Dente"
The Healing Powers of L. Ron Hubbard's "E-Meter"
Attila The Hun: The Bearer of One of the Coolest Names in History
The Heavily Contested Reign of Richard III
Enough with the Stallion Rumor Already! No one Even Believed it in the First Place...
"Then fall, Caesar!"
Sappho: Was She or Wasn't She?
Robespierre: "To Punish the Oppressors of Humanity is Clemency; to Forgive them is Barbarity"
The Biographies Edition Has Arrived!
Epicurus: The Founder of Rational and Restrained Hedonism
Mata Hari's Dance of the Seven Veils
Shaka Zulu: An Übermensch in the Truest Sense
Jezebel: The Painted Lady of the Bible
King Nebuchadnezzar II's Awesome Gift To His Wife
Where There's A Will, There's An..... Elephantry?!?
Celibacy, Furniture and Ecstatic Dancing- What More Can you Ask For From a Religion?
Buy the Books
"Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah"
About the Biographies Edition
Schrödinger: Letting The Cat Out of the Box
Torquemada: Proof That Karma is Not Always Paying Attention
Vlad the Impaler vs. Dracula
Aeschylus: The Father of Tragedy
Erik the Red: Probably The Only Carrot-Topped Male in Human History Who Turned His Hair Color into a Personal Asset
Chloroform and Sudden Sniffer's Death
Westward Ho!
The War of the Scarletts
Valium: The Sad Fate of the First Blockbuster Lifestyle Drug
Meningitis: Proof That Reality is Ghastlier Than Fiction
The "Black Legend": Technically True, But That's Not the Point...
Grave Robbers and Medical Students Make Strange and Grisly Bedfellows
The Sinuous Slinky
Pilates: Tough Love For Your Tummy
The Secret Life of Polyester
What Do Blind People Dream About?
Taking Antidepressants Might Make You Happy, But Getting Off of them Won't....
The Novel That was Heard Around the World
Rorschach Should Have Used Invisible Ink For His Blots....
Body Image Disorders Aren't Just For Girls Anymore
Sarah Palin Turns Heads Amongst Ultra-Orthodox Jewish Women
Counting sheep has Never Looked Like Such a Good Idea...
So What Do Bunnies Have To Do with Jesus Anyway?
Skullduggery on the High Seas
The Bad Things Celebrated on Good Friday
Chickenpox: A Scourge of Childhood
The Spaghetti Incident
Lupus: Autoimmune Hell
The Theory of Multiple Intelligences
Palm Sunday
Beware of Pirated Matzah this Passover!
The Furies that Chased Virginia Woolf To A Watery Grave
Human Smores: The Discrete Horrors of Death by Burning
Are Modern Audiences Superman's Kryptonite?
Chemical Castration: An Ethical Quagmire
The SAT & The Fateful "Oarsman-Regatta" Analogy: Be Careful What You Ask For...
Doubting Thomas
Education Reform: Throwing the Baby Out with the Bath Water
Nourishment for the Princeton Coed's Ego (and Stomach)
Our Nation's Plates Runneth Over...
Japan's "Snow"
Alabama's Loch Ness Monster?
The Sacagawea Coin: Doomed from the Get-Go
Prostate Cancer: More Proof that Aging Sucks
The Lost City of Pompeii: A Nutritionist's Sodom and Gomorrah
Post WWI Paris: A Generation in Flames
Anne Frank's Enduring Legacy
The Awesomeness (and some potential drawbacks) of Ambidexterity
Genghis Khan: Probably One of the Biggest Bada**es of All Time
Pepé Le Pew: Scentimental Romeo
1818 Poetry Slam!
The Song of Songs: The "Bodice Ripper" Book of the Bible
The Scarlet Letter and The "Out Campaign"
Have You Ever Had a Headache that Felt like Someone was Drilling a Hole in Your Forehead? It was Probably Sinusitis (or Possibly a Tumor)
It's "Umami" Not "Your Mommy"
The Stoics: "Porch Philosophers" that Actually Made a Difference
The History of the Noble Tampon
When A Knee-Jerk Response is a Good Thing
Moses and Monotheism: Freud's Controversial Last Work
Purim: Kind of Like a Jewish Halloween, but without the Candy
Onions: No Crying Matter for Cats and Dogs
John Hancock: Cursive's King
Newsflash: George Washington Never had Wooden Teeth....
Giant Hairy Nevus: A Condition that is Actually Nastier than it Sounds
Cellulite: The Phantom Menace
The History of St. Valentine's Day
There's Something Rotten in the State of Denmark
The Flying Buttresses of Notre Dame
Not Your Everyday Iconoclasm
A Tough Pill To Swallow
Islamophobia Heats Up in France.... Over a Halal Hamburger ?!?!
"The Chemist's War" Against Bacchus
Nociception: A Necessary Evil
Ash Wednesday: Actually Nobody's Favorite Holiday
Two Steps Forward and One Step Back for Hemophiliacs
"Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death!" or Something Like that...
Even Aristotle Wasn't Perfect....
A Good Reason Not to Get on God's Bad Side...
Freud, Conrad and the Unconscious Mind
"Wernicke's Area" and Speech Comprehension
The Cervix: Gatekeeper of the Uterus
Abraham's Two Women and the Founding of Judaism and Islam
Un Chien adalou: The Collective Gasp Heard in College Film Classes around the World
Samuel Slater: The Father of the American Industrial Revolution
A Really Important War that Nobody Knows About
Solving One Problem Only To Create Another..
D.H. Lawrence: Literary Rebel with A Cause
The Nine Lives of Hagia Sophia
And You Thought Cabbage Patch Kids Were a Silly Fad....
Beware the Ides of March
The Nasty Norovirus
Art's Most Famous Amputee
Sweet'n Low and the Rise of Artificial Sweeteners
Harvard's "Jewish Problem" in the 1920s
Autoimmune Diseases: Basically an Epic Body Fail
Did Alexander the Great Ever Get A Good Night's Sleep?
Did Alexander the Great Ever Get a Good Night's Sleep?
Self-Trepanation: Only the Stupid and Brave Need Apply
Being on a Low-Carb Diet is Not Only Miserable, but Will Make Your Breath Smell Like Nail Polish
Just In Case You Learned Sex-Ed in a Red State...
Martin Luther King, Jr., Creative Extremist
Athena: Daddy's Girl and Patroness of Athens
You Didn't Need Ricky Lake to Convince 19th Century Women to Give Birth at Home....
More Proof that the Spartans were Really Really Mean
Newsflash! We Can All Rest a Little Easier Knowing that Most Medical School Graduates are no Longer Required to Take the Hippocratic Oath
Hemlock: More Lethal than five shots of Jagermeister on an Empty Stomach
Scientists Get Closer to Producing "Female Sperm" as Men Collectively Fear Obsolescence
The Authors
About the Modern Culture Edition
About the Health Edition
About the General Edition
About the American History Edition
The Birth of a Nation and the Rise of the KKK
White Blood Cells: The First Line of Defense Against Bacteria and Viruses
CT-Scan Reveals that Even Iconic Beauty Nefertiti was Not Immune to a Little "Airbrushing"
Premature Births: A Growing Problem
The Coney Island Cyclone: Proudly Scaring the Bejesus out of People Since 1927
Pyrrhonian Skepticism: Neither Affirming or Denying the Possibility of Anything
Adobe Pueblos: The World's Longest-lasting Apartment Buildings
A Giant Leap for Mankind: The Lascaux Cave Paintings
The Ethics of Pet Cloning: Frankencat or Beloved Pet?
This Won't Hurt A Bit......
Vulgar Latin: The Grandaddy of All Romance Languages
The Sopranos: Don't Stop Believing!
Tanorexia: Grilling Yourself For the Sake of Beauty
Ronald Reagan, Nuclear Abolitionist
Atonality and the Twelve-Tone Scale
Not Quite The Smartest Guys in the Room
Pseudoexfoliation Syndrome and Cataracts
The Japanese Practice of Mizuko Kuyō: Stilling the Anger and Sadness of the Unborn
New Treatment Give Hope to People Suffering from PTSD
Don't Call Him 'Jack the Dripper'
A Medical Miracle: Doctors Report the First Known Case of Semi-Identical Twins
Nelson Mandela, Invictus
In Memoriam, Michael Jackson (1958-2009)
Don DeLillo's Prose Poem on the Challenger
Could Schizophrenia be Linked to Human Linguistic Ability?
How to Do Things With Words
Cloning: Second Chance
Salvador Dalí, Filmmaker
Thomas Pynchon Makes an Appearance
There's LASIK, and there's LASEK...
Star Wars: The Forests of Endor
Milton Friedman, Alan Greenspan, and the End of the Draft
Kasparov v Putin
Drill Baby Drill!
Red Clover: Green Manure
Langston Hughes, Translator
When's the last time you actually watched MLK's speech?
Is That Bob Dylan? No? It Must Be Santa Claus!
The Sweet Smell of Sex
Not Your Garden Variety "Happy Birthday"
Hyperhidrosis: When Nothing Can Keep You Dry...
Mommy Dearest Redux
Hypomania: A Blessing and A Curse
Major Depressive Disorder: Not Just a Case of the Blues...
The Buddhist Conception of Karma
"The Snake"
"The Unbearable Lightness of Being": A Really Deep Book
The Most Influential Loser in 20th Century American Politics
Boris Yeltsin's Irrepressible Passion for Vodka and Pizza
The "Doll Test" and the End of Segregation in Public Schools
Like the Flu, The "Yuppie" Continues to Mutate with the Times
Is Naming your Son "Adolf Hitler" Child Abuse?
Who Knew that Pound Cake Could Cause Such an Uproar?
Panic Disorders: An Intense Fight or Flight Response
Psychosis: More than A Few Screws Loose
Infertility: Not Just a "Woman's Problem"
Foods to Avoid if you are Expecting
Did Churchill Have a 'Lisp' or did he 'Stutter' ?
Neurosis: Like Pornography, You Know it When You See it...
Library Anxiety: Another Excuse for Procrastinating...
Copralalia Gives Tourette's Syndrome a Bad Rep..
Balanitis: As Gross as it Sounds
Iron Supplements Can Be Effective in Preventing and Treating Anemia
Depersonalization Disorder: A Life Lived in "The Scream"
Emaciated & Proud of It: The Rise of "Pro-ana" Websites
Differentiating Between Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) & Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder (OCPD)
It's Hard To Believe it Now, but People Once Took Ozzy Osbourne Very Seriously...
Gorbachev's Mysterious Modelling Gig For Louis Vuitton Just Got Stranger...
Possible Worst Date Ever: Getting held hostage by a member of 'Love Jihad'
PRAISE ME: Histrionic Personality Disorder Explained
Stem Cell Research May Offer Hope for People with Muscular Dystrophy
Gastroenteritis Major Scourge of the Developing World
Need An Organ Transplant? Pray you aren't Living in Israel...
The Grandaddy of Antibiotics: Sulfa Drugs
Imagine a Life on Laughing-Gas...
Ginseng Study Raise Hopes for an Alternative Treatment for Erectile Dysfunction
Dr. Lamaze's Gift to Women
Micronutrients Need an Image Overhaul..
One Hell of a Virulent Virus...
A Ray of Hope in the Fight Against AIDS
Can SAM-e Really Help Fight Depression?
Golden Rice Remains a Pipe-dream for the World's Poor
Turner Syndrome
Sane People Everywhere Rejoyce: Abstinence-Only Education Programs to be Taken Off Life Support under Obama Budget
Colitis: No Walk in the Park
The Pritikin Program
Are Vegan Diet Bad for the Elderly and Babies?
The Psychological Toll of Huntington's Disease
Is Childhood Stress a Predictive Factor in the Formation of Ulcers in Adults?
Bulimia a Growing Problem Amongst Males
Is it Ethical for Parents to Obtain Cosmetic Surgery for their Child with Down Syndrome?
Dr. Live-Again
Milk: It Really Does Do a Body Good...
Should Gardasil be Required as a Condition of Naturalization?
Taking on the AARP
Would Adolf Hitler Have Joined PETA?
Astronaut Missions Grounded by Kidney Stones
An Early "Proof" of the Freedom of the Will
Somewhere Over the... Moon ?!?!
Breaking Up... And Making Up.....
The Waste Land: The Original Manuscript
Can Britney Spears Help Detect Alzheimer's Disease?
The Catalog of Dances in James Brown's Dance Epic
No Laughing Matter...
Is the Burqa Hazardous to A Woman's Health?
The Dark Side of Honest Abe
Rolfing: Almost as Silly as it Sounds
Hansberry's Dream Realized
A Gentleman's Agreement
Mediocrities of the World Take Heart: Even Warhol Made Some Duds
Bert & Ernie: Touching Bromance or Too Hot for TV?
A Genius of the South...
How the Rainbow Flag came to Symbolize Gay Pride
Are Plath and Prozac Mutually Exclusive?
Why No One Actually has Diverticulitis on "House"
The Unintended Consequences of Title IX
2011: AD Judgment Day ?!?!
Another Afflicted Genius
Holy Cow!
"The Rumble in the Jungle": Not Exactly David v. Goliath...
A Life Lived in the Shadow of Titans
Was Constantine I a Saint or a Sinner? It all Depends on who you Ask...
Heterosexual Males have cause to Rejoice: Jamie Lee Curtis is (Most Likely) not a Male
The Truth Behind James Bond's Favorite Cocktail
(Pre-Famine) Irish Potato Cookbook
More Proof that Truth is Stranger than Fiction
Johnson & Johnson's Brush with Death
Even Better Than the Real Thing...
Did Lincoln have Marfan Syndrome?
Cortisol: More Proof That You Can Have Too Much Of A Good Thing...
The Curse of Ahab?
Flora the Komodo Unwittingly Inspires Legions of Unmarried Women Of A Certain Age
Absolving The Humble Turkey
Beethoven & Sir Mix-a-Lot: Brothers From a Different Mother ?!?
Not Your Everyday Bar Mitzvah....
All The World's A Stage
Cognitive Dissonance: When Prophecy Fails
The Know-Nothings and the "Pope's Stone"
Walter Cronkite and the Tet Offensive
The Gospel of James
The Frost-Khrushchev Summit
Transplant Rejection: Switching Blood Types
Chicken Hypnotism
Frederick Douglas, Feminist
Benjamin Franklin, Chessmaster
Safety Net on the Golden Gate
Kasparov vs The World
O.J. Simpson: "This Is For The Last Time"
So, Did Al Gore Invent the Internet?
Luke Skywalker: One of the Hero's Thousand Faces
Parodies of American Gothic
Was "The Bomb" Necessary in World War II?
D-Day: The Political Front
The Origins of Comics
James Baldwin's Appraisal of A Raisin In The Sun
... and Perestroika
Milton Friedman Against the Minimum Wage
Philip Glass and Jean Cocteau
The Bay of Pigs, and other Attempts on Castro's Life
Rush Limbaugh and David Foster Wallace
Godel's Proof
The Bhagavad Gita in Context
Godel's Proof
Robert Moses and New York Baseball
Hysterical Realism
Scorsese, Ebert, and Catholic Guilt
Kubrick v. King
Cabbage Patch Kids: The Derrière-Tattooed Dolls
Psychological Impact of the Atomic Bomb
William James on Whippets?
Turning Down the Oscars
"Too Darn Hot": The Kinsey Reports
Marcus the Baptist
Anna and Emma at the Opera
"Four Shrieking Monkeys": Led Zeppelin
Making Clint Eastwood's Day
Sleeping Beauty
The Death of Tchaikovsky
Introducing the Modern Culture Edition: Bruce Springsteen
Chromates and Ochres: The Pigments in Seurat's Sun-Dappled Lawn
Van Gogh at Night
The Invisible Man Made Visible
Paul Gaugin's Primitivism
Without Sanctuary: Lynching in America
Soul Brother Number One (Introducing the Modern Culture Edition)
Mary Cassatt and "Japonisme"
Descartes' Rainbows
E=mc^2, Einstein's After-Thought
Monet's Scientific Impressions
The Kentucky Original of "The Waste Land"
Devil in the White City, reviewed
Constantine's Apostate Nephew
Idealism, Refuted
Physics, Biology, and Laissez-Faire Economics
Come One, Come All, See the World’s Only Living Abstemious Mermaid Pass Her Days in Splendid Rectitude
Make It New!
The Marshall Plan (The First One)
Nobody Expected This
The Ghost In The Machine
They Agreed To Have A Battle
Se non è vero, è ben trovato
Something There Is That Does Love A Wall
Bring Out Your Dead
Dulce Et Decorum Est Pro Patria Mori
Whistle While You Work
Diamonds Aren't Forever
Zenger, Prohibition, and "Jury Nullification"
The Mod Squad: In Perspective
Alexander Hamilton's Economics
Byzantine Art: The David Plates
Conrad's Ancient Mariner
No One Who Lives In New York Is Really From New York
I Came, I Saw, I Swabbed the Decks With Them
Thomas Paine: A Secular Prophet
Getting Into (or Out of) Harvard
Thucydides and Objectivity
Love Is Cheap
The Wanderer and His Shadow
The Mathematics of the Parthenon
Noah and the Rules of Civilization
Socrates and the Mirror of History
The Body of Nefertiti
St. Augustine, Allegory, and the Science of Creation
The Wild, Wild East (Introducing the American History Edition)
You Call That Your Idea of Order at Key West?
The Book of "J"
John Singleton Copley: The Mayor and the Shark (Introducing the American History Edition)
Anne Bradstreet's Theodicy (Introducing the American History edition)
Popé and the Pueblo Revolt
Warning: Smoking Causes Cancer, Heart Disease, Emphysema and May Complicate the State of Your Immortal Soul
Cave Paintings and the Cro-Magnon Defeat of the Neanderthals
Ulysses, or Trampin' Through Dublin
Charlemagne's Letters to Posterity
B. R. Ambedkar and the Untouchables
The Pearl Harbor Controversy
Absinthe Returns
Jefferson's Other Home (Introducing the American History Edition)
Unintended Consequences on the Indian Reservations (Introducing the American History edition)
Captain John Smith in The New World
Winston, or Winnie?
Newton and the Occult
The Scream, Lost and Found
A "Guest Star" in the Pueblo Sky (Introducing the American History Edition)
Predictions about the Civil War (Introducing the American History Edition)
Mark Twain, Journalist
Passing the Peace Pipe (Introducing the American History Edition)
Wagner v. Nietzsche
Native Americans on film (without the stereotypes)
The Early Days of X-Rays
The House Next Door to the Appomattox Court
Kant's Charitable Strolls
Rodin's Thinker, in Context
Andrew Jackson's Popular Politics
Give Blood
Charles Dickens: Oliver Twist from Fagin's Perspective
Muhammad: The Earliest Versions of the Qur'an
Mendelssohn Family Ties
Edgar Degas and the Green Fairy
The Irish Potato Famine: Genocide in the UK?
Circadian Rhythms: Alaska's Springtime Blues
15 Ways to Increase Brain Activity
Thomas Jefferson on the Shores of Tripoli
Social Contracts in Cambridge, Mass
New Developments in Stem Cell Research
Moby-Dick: The Squid and the Whale
Ludwig van Beethoven: Lost and Found
Francisco de Goya: Two Executions on Canvas
Anton Chekhov on Times Square
The Traitor's Gospel
Hokusai - The Other Views from Mount Fuji
Benjamin Franklin: The Greatest Scientist of His Generation
Mozart's Don Giovanni: The Origin of Don Juan
About The Devoted Intellect Blog

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